Game Programmer

Serigy's Curse
This game was developed in Unity 3D for an art expo, as part of a larger theme.
- 3D world and gyroscope (on devices that support it), for better immersion.
- Random stage elements for a different experience each play.
- Local leaderboard so you can challenge your friends.
- Non-conventional narrative, based on real facts, exploring multiculturalism.
Description: The forces sleeping in the forest want revenge!
Chaos and destruction are the only path for the hatred curated through centuries deep in the rivers and forests of Sergipe, along with corpses of each dead native inhabitant in combat against the invaders. Now, the city of Aracaju will feel all the fury of its past inhabitants.
Take control of Cacique Serigy and avenge your tribe after centuries of waiting for this moment. Burning with sacred fire the civilization that murdered and took away your land.
Serigy’s curse is a destruction experience arcade style, where the most strategic and swift players will be able to test their abilities aiming for the leaderboards amongst the native avengers.